1 Box. 10 Photographs.

In 1970 the legendary photographer Diane Arbus finalized work on her seminal project A box of ten photographs. She had planned to create 50 sets of ten photographs. Sadly, by the time of her death in 1971, only four were ever sold. Still, the project became a turning point that ushered in photography as a serious and legitimate form of art. Arbus envisioned her boxes as a form of personal and meaningful sharing of photographs that she herself valued and admired.

Today we are bombarded with images in the media, on the Internet, and of course across social media. We scroll past images at staggering rates, often failing to slow down and connect with the art and the artist's intent. Printmaking and print-sharing for the most part are nearly gone. So, inspired by Arbus' project exactly 50 years after its inception I want to recreate that personal experience of hand-selecting and sharing photography one-on-one with the Arbus Box.

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A Decade of Love.

The photographs in this project span over a decade and are comprised of some of the most cherished images I have taken. These photographs have never been shared broadly prior to this project. They are personal, meaningful, and extremely moving to me. Most importantly they are genuine and heartfelt.

The act of paring down the thousands of images I've taken has been a journey of joy, sadness, reflection, and revelation. I was reminded of so many events I've been grateful to witness and even more grateful that I was able to capture.

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Inspired & Meaningful.

I make no illusion that my work is on Arbus' level, nor is this project associated at all with her or her work. It merely draws on her remarkable ingenuity to see art in the every day and photography as a means of not only documenting the often overlooked, but also the power of sharing those images on a personal and meaningful level.

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Each Arbus box will contain 10 printed photographs. And each photograph will be annotated by the photographer. In addition each box itself will be hand-assembled and numbered. Only 10 will ever be made.

There will also be one Custom Arbus Box created in which the backer can pick a theme of their own choosing. Those photographs will be taken once a theme is selected and will not be available to any other backer and will only ever be produced for this specific box. The Custom Arbus Box edition will be a signed 1-of-1 and each photograph will be annotated by the photographer along with a handwritten forward.